What to Pack? 21 Essential Stories to Take on Your College Journey

What To Pack? 21 Essential Stories To Take On Your College Journey is a collection of crossroads experiences that occurred during college, where students were forced to make in-the-moment consequential decisions. When headed off to college, students may be so focused on taking all the “stuff” needed, they miss thinking about the important values, principles, and boundaries that will be important during those crossroads moments. In essence, it’s about answering one essential question: “What to Pack?” 

You will read, depending on their choices, that some deal with harsh consequences, are saved by grace, or create a new ending to their story. These stories will evoke strong reactions, make you laugh, and inspire. In the midst of their struggle, each person took a bold and intentional step to move through their challenge using the values, lessons, and strength they realized were in them all along. 

It has been asked, “Is What To Pack? like Chicken Soup for the Soul®?” The answer is, “No, What To Pack... is Sloppy Joes for the Bold™.”

Buy What to Pack by Cecil Johnson. Profits from this book go to the Athena Educational Foundation which provides encouragement and scholarships to youth aspiring to attend college.

Cecil Johnson describes what sparked the idea for the book, "What To Pack? 21 Essential Stories For Your College Journey."